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Merchant POS Major Update: What's New

Walking through enhancements we've made (updated 3/1/21)

Written by Joe
Updated over 4 years ago

You may be wondering what's new with the Merchant POS software so we wanted to give you a more thorough walk-through.

Below we will cover the new:

1) CanPay Merchant POS Home Screen Icon

2) Look and Feel of the Software

3) "Recent Transactions" info box on the Transaction Amount Screen

4) Internet "Management" feature

5) The Transaction Reporting Screen

6) And the CanPay Merchant POS is now a WebApp that can run on Android OR iOS devices!

Scroll down for more details:

1) We changed the CanPay Merchant POS Home screen icon from white to black. This will further differentiate the CanPay Merchant POS app from the Consumer CanPay App (which uses a while logo) for stores that have both Apps on one device.



2) The look and feel of the CanPay Merchant POS App has been modernized. This includes the color scheme as well as the buttons you push to enter information and adding a menu in the upper left of the screen:

3) With the addition of the "Most Recent Approve Transactions" information section, Cashiers can see the two most recent approved transactions. This helps them quickly confirm if a transaction was successful or not and if it was run for the correct amount.

3 Continued: If a cashier wants information on more transactions, they can click the "Most Recent Approved Transactions" area and open a larger list of transactions, including those that were declined by CanPay:

4) The CanPay Merchant POS now provides warning at the top of the screen when the internet connection is out and won't allow the cashier to proceed to the next screen until it has been restored:

5) Cashiers can now access the full transaction history from Today and Yesterday for this device. This provides quick reconciliation as well as more information about the success/decline status of a transaction:

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