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How to Void a Transaction

Using the Manager's PIN to Void a transaction in the CanPay Merchant POS

Written by Joe
Updated over 3 years ago

In this video I show you how to void a transaction in the CanPay Merchant POS using the Manager's Void PIN:

Rough Transcript:


Now I'm going to show you how to avoid a transaction in the CanPay merchant POS using a manager's Void pin, of course you'll need that.


Manager's pin. It's a five digit number, and we'll start from the transaction amount screen. You either need to navigate to the transaction history through the menu transactions, or you can do it through the most recent approved transactions.


And you'll see that our two most recent approved transactions are $11 and $12. We'll be avoiding the $11 transaction. We just click in that area.


It'll pull up the transaction history and I can see approved voided and failed transactions from earlier today. Scroll down to the transactions button, click on that.


And now we see a transactions available for a potential voiding. These are the transactions from today. You can only void a transaction from today.


You cannot void a transaction that has already settled. This will cancel the transfer of funds before it even happens from the consumer to the merchant.


I want to avoid the $11 ticket. I will click on void here. It will confirm that I want to avoid this transaction.


This is very important because a void can not be reversed. If you avoid a transaction, the money will not transfer.


And if you make a mistake and need to run that transaction again, you'll actually have to call the customer, have them generate a new campaign payment code, and then run that transaction as if it was a new one.


So I'm going to click. Yes. I want avoid this transaction. It's going to pull up the pin entry screens. I type in my test pin for this account.


As I do that, it will process and we have a successful void, big green check. Mark means it went through a red stop sign.


It means it did not. If I click, okay, it's going to take me back to the transaction screen. Now we can see that that transaction is voided no longer black void, but voided.


And that's the end. I go back to the POS transaction amount screen. The $11 transaction is removed from the recent approved transactions since it's now voided and we're ready for the next transaction.


Thank you.

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